Rental homes can open the door to better education

Friday, February 3, 2023
Kelly Vosters studies the tie between quality of education and the location of rental homes

The majority of all public school children in the U.S. are assigned to schools based on the location of their homes. For many families, the decision on where to live is based on where rental properties are available. 

Assistant Professor of Economics Kelly Vosters studies how diversification in the location of single-family rental properties helps increase students’ access to high-quality public education. In particular, she has seen an increase in these opportunities following the Great Recession. 

Her work, completed with Associate Professor of Economics Tom Mayock, was funded through the Urban Institute's Faculty Fellows program, with support from the Gambrell Foundation. The program focuses on projects that address some of the most pressing societal needs in the Charlotte region.

Watch the video to learn more about how Vosters and other Gambrell Faculty Fellows at North Carolina’s urban research university are positively impacting life in our community.